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Bill Gates, Steve Jobs Name Marcel Brown Head of New Technology Initiative

Marcel BrownApril 1, 2008 - At a joint press conference this morning, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, and Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, announced Marcel Brown as the head of the new Technology Harmony Alliance, a co-operative initiative developed by the two well-known icons of the technology industry. As stated this morning, the Technology Harmony Alliance's goal is to bring harmony to the disparate world of technology and its many users. Marcel Brown is the founder of Marcel Brown Technology Services, a company dedicated to offering quality technology service to small business and individuals.

"It should come as a shock to no one that we picked Marcel to head the Alliance. Throughout his life, he has always been willing and able to help anyone in need of technology help, regardless of platform or type of technology", stated Jobs. Gates added, "Certainly his reputation as 'The Most Trusted Name in Technology' made this decision a no-brainer." Asked to respond, Brown stated, "It is an honor to be recognized in this way. I will continue to do my best to ensure that all technology users can work in harmony with their chosen technology, as well as recommend the best technology for their needs."

Also announced this morning was the location of the headquarters of the Alliance. According to Gates, "It only made sense to locate the headquarters of our bold new initiative at The Tech Spot. We know of no other place where computer users of all types will be able to feel welcome, whether Windows, Macintosh, or even Unix. There will even be an area in the store just for children, known as The Kid Spot. I mean, whomever is doing the marketing there is a genius!"

Jobs quickly added, "The Tech Spot will showcase the ability of Apple Macintosh computers to run not only the world's most advanced operating system, Mac OS X, but also Windows as well as Unix operating systems. Combine this with the unparalleled expertise of Marcel Brown Technology Services on all these technology platforms, and well ... honestly, I'm geeking out about it." Gates then responded, "Well, you've always have been a pretty big geek," at which point Jobs shot back, "Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?" Gates then appeared to make a motion to pick up his chair at which point security officials stepped in, bringing the press conference to a quick ending. Speculation arose, however it was later confirmed that Jerry Springer was not in attendance.

Also in attendance at this morning's press conference was Tux the Penguin, the quasi-official mascot of the Linux operating system. When asked to comment, Tux gave no response, which was not surprising, as it is a well-known fact that penguins can't talk, no matter what certain movies with dancing penguins may portray.

For more information about the Technology Harmony Alliance, visit http://www.technologyharmonyalliance.org. For more information about Marcel Brown Technology Service and The Tech Spot, e-mail thetechspot@marcelbrown.com or call 618-580-6256.


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» April 2008 FYI from Technology Bytes
I just wanted to clear the air in case there was anyone else out there who thought that the press release we sent out last Monday was real. It was, in fact, an April Fool's Joke. It is a quasi-tradition... [Read More]

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