New and Improved!

Marcel BrownLast month was the 7th year anniversary of Marcel Brown Technology Services. This month marks the the 1st year anniversary of The Tech Spot. We’d like to take a moment to thank all of our customers and clients for all of your support during all these years! The world has changed a lot during the time we’ve been in business. Just think, in April of 2002 there was no such thing as the Geek Squad at Best Buy. The iPod was only 6 months old. But perhaps one of the most significant things to happen in the last 7 years is the continued growth of the Internet. The Internet has become ubiquitous enough that average people are now comfortable socializing and keeping in contact with others through online social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. Businesses now must pay attention to this emerging virtual world. It is in this realm that we would like to introduce some new ways that we can help you stay on top of the latest technology tips and tricks.

First, we would like to re-introduce our social networking site on Facebook. If you are on Facebook, make sure to become a fan of The Tech Spot so that you may stay on top of the latest promotions, events, and any advice we may share on this page. Second, if you use Twitter, you may follow The Tech Spot at For some people, Twitter is a more convenient way to stay on top of those people and businesses they wish to stay connected to. If you are not on Facebook or Twitter, it is probably time that you become familiar with these social networking sites. We will be hosting trainings on social networking at The Tech Spot in the month of May and probably beyond.

Finally, we have started a new on-line community for The Tech Spot at a social networking site called Ning. In this new site we have an area for tips and tricks, a place to post tech items for sale or trade, a questions and answers section, and a general technology discussion forum. The site will also feature a calendar of events and promotions, plus articles from Marcel’s technology blogs, including his new one, State of the Tech. Our plan is for this new site to be a thriving virtual community for those who wish to stay informed about technology. Please visit and sign up today!