Non-Profits Can Save Money on Credit Card Fees

credit_cardsI recently became aware of a program that allows qualifying non-profit organizations to save money on their credit card fees. This is a relatively new program that apparently just became available this year. Called “Community Sharing”, it waives per-transaction fees on credit card processing for qualifying non-profit organizations. This allows these organizations to keep more of the money donated to them and use it for their causes, instead of passing it along to their credit card processing company.

I talked about this with Michelle McGee, a Heartland Payment Systems representative. She said that eligible organizations include churches, church associations, charities, medical providers, legal aid societies, volunteer service organizations, professional associations, museums, and in some cases sports associations. Basically, any non profit corporation that has tax exempt status at both the federal and state level should qualify.

If you are a non-profit and would like to learn more about the Community Sharing program, I encourage you to contact Michelle McGee at 618-567-4433.