April 2008 FYI

I just wanted to clear the air in case there was anyone else out there who thought that the press release we sent out last Monday was real. It was, in fact, an April Fool’s Joke. It is a quasi-tradition among Internet sites (especially technology-based sites – and really especially among sites that cover Apple) to post an April Fool’s article.

What I find flattering is that many of you thought that I have the visibility to be recognized by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Maybe one day soon, but not yet! Still, I thank you anyway!

But for your reading enjoyment, here are some April Fools web sites:

March 2008 FYI – New Section!

This new section will tell you some fun information that we come across in the tech world.

This first one goes out to all you ladies out there. According to Cosmo, the best place for women to meet men – an Apple store. It was on Yahoo’s main page. (Thanks for the heads up Melissa DeLassus)
Now I am no expert, but whatever gets you into an Apple store is fine with me. Upon further investigation on this intriguing topic, we found another article you might be interested in. There is the info. Do what you want with it and enjoy!
