November is Anti-Virus Update Month

icon_virus.jpgDon’t miss our money saving offer in this message!

If you have older or outdated anti-virus software, your valuable data could be at serious risk! Viruses and other malware employ many tricks to try to avoid detection. Older anti-virus software may not be able to detect newer viruses and spyware – even if your subscription is current!
There is no better time than the month of November to make sure your anti-virus software is up-to-date. The 2008 versions of most anti-virus softwares were released earlier in the fall. By November, enough time has passed for the new anti-virus softwares to have been thoroughly tested and any bugs to have been worked out. So now is the perfect time to get the latest protection possible!

An added bonus this year is that the 2008 version of the anti-virus software I recommend, Trend Micro Internet Security, actually uses less RAM and system resources than the 2007 version. This means your computer could be faster with the 2008 version than the 2007 version. This should be most noticeable on older computers and computers with 512 MB of RAM or less. I am advising all my clients to upgrade as soon as possible. As long as your subscription is still current, Trend Micro does not charge you to upgrade to their latest version.

Additionally, to anyone who schedules an anti-virus update service in the month of November, I am offering 50% off the price of Trend Micro Internet Security (a $25 savings), or $15 off the cost of the service if new anti-virus software is not needed. So take advantage of this offer before the busy holiday season arrives!

Call Marcel Brown Technology Services at 800-797-8714 or 618-580-6256, visit our web site, or e-mail me at to make sure your computer is safe!